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What are the specifications of common pipe pliers

Pipe tongs can clamp the pipe and turn it to complete the connection. Its working principle is to convert the clamp force into torsion, and the greater the force used in the direction of torsion, the tighter the clamp. This is also one of the more common hardware tools in our daily life, the size of the pipe clamp is different, the applicable pipe is different, the size of the pipe clamp can be defined by its specifications, the common common pipe clamp specifications are as follows:

Total length of specification

8 "200MM

10 "250MM

12 "300MM

14 "350MM

18 "450MM

24 "600MM

36 "900MM

48 "1200MM

The correct use of pipe clamps requires the selection of the right specifications, so an understanding of the specifications of pipe clamps will help you successfully complete some pipe connections.

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